“Chaotic Spring” was created due to the most erratic weather I’ve experienced in my life in my hometown, which not only affected my health, but affected my mood.

While the weather has always changed day to day in my hometown during this season, the changes seem to become more and more severe. While it becomes very cold during the night, it becomes extremely warm during the day.

As I am extremely sensitive, this hits me harder than most - and always immediately. I cannot breathe, I cannot eat, I cannot sleep. My whole body’s rhythm suffers through this change.

But for those of us who cannot experience this change immediately, it is even more blinding, and I am here to talk about and show everone that while people might not be able to feel it immediately, it is an extreme change in the earth that will hurt us all in the long run.

And all we need to do is change little things as a collective to start making big changes for the earth. This way of life is not sustainable for us and other living beings otherwise.

Climate change is real. We need to act fast.


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The Twin Flame Phenomenon Through the Music of Shiva and Shakti.


Character Series (Virtual Art Show #2)